Learn how to combat loneliness in the elderly.
Isolation. Fear. Loneliness. The pandemic has wreaked havoc on all of us in one way or another, but for older adults in particular, the seclusion essential to ensure safety from COVID-19 has had harmful effects on emotional, physical and mental wellbeing. With a professional team of senior care experts providing home care in Topeka, Grace Home Care knows the steps to take to help reduce loneliness in the elderly and maintain the social connections which are so crucial to their health.
- Safe socialization. While we’ve become used to the phrase “social distancing,” it’s not the socialization itself we must distance ourselves from, of course, but only the physical proximity to others. Staying socially connected through the pandemic may well not look exactly like we’d like without physical touch, but there are lots of ways an in-home caregiver can help encourage seniors to still be near to individuals they love. Whether a senior prefers old-fashioned letter writing and phone calls, or is open to making use of social media or technology for virtual face-to-face conversations, we can help older adults reach out to others often.
- Maximizing time with trusted companions. For seniors who live alone, spending quality time with an in-home caregiver can help tremendously with alleviating feelings of isolation. We take time to play board games, have conversations, bake, do arts and crafts together, maybe even take an online course together to learn a new language or other skill.
- Limiting exposure to the news. While it’s essential to stay up to date on the latest information on the pandemic as well as other news items of interest, too much time spent watching or reading the news is bound to raise an older adult’s stress and anxiety levels. Our care providers encourage seniors to set reasonable goals relating to news intake: perhaps one half-hour news program in the morning, and another at dinnertime, and fill the rest of the day with uplifting television shows, reading materials, and other engaging activities.
- Practicing positivity. Contemplating all the “what ifs” can be frightening. We help seniors shift their thinking to a far more positive mindset and internal dialogue through mindfulness, prayer, gratitude, guided yoga or meditation, and even through motivating seniors to spend time talking with a specific family member or friend who always looks on the bright side.
- Enjoying nature. Being outdoors in and of itself minimizes stress; our caregivers safely help older adults enjoy walks and other types of physical exercise for an added calming effect. We are also careful to strictly follow safety guidelines – staying apart from others, wearing a face covering, etc.
- Helping someone else. There is no better elixir to feeling down than helping someone else up. Even while remaining at home, there are plenty of ways seniors make a difference in the lives of others. Together, we can brainstorm ideas related to an older adult’s particular interests and passions; for instance, writing and mailing cards of encouragement to nursing home residents, putting together care packages for the disabled or homeless veterans, making baby blankets for an area organization and help single mothers, or baking homemade dog treats to send to the animal shelter.
Let Grace Home Care’s professional, compassionate senior care experts in Topeka help the older adults you love overcome isolation and loneliness. We abide by all recommended procedures to safely care for seniors in the home, and love bringing smiles to the faces of individuals we serve. Email or call us at 785-286-2273 to find out more about our trusted senior care experts in Topeka.