Chemotherapy treatment saves lives, and is used to treat upwards of 650,000 U.S. citizens each year; but as miraculous as this treatment solution may be, it’s not without potential risks and often uncomfortable side effects. Grace Home Care, top providers of the respite care Topeka families need, outlines the most prevailing side effects of chemo, and tips to help make them more manageable.
Regardless of whether it comes on within a matter of hours after receiving treatment, or is postponed until some days later, vomiting and nausea can result from the body’s normal reaction to a foreign substance. The most efficient way to combat these symptoms is with one of a wide variety of anti-nausea drugs prescribed by the oncologist. It’s crucial to take these medicines exactly as prescribed. Some cancer patients find that eating a light meal right before the chemo treatment helps stave off nausea; other individuals feel better when refraining from eating until later on. Working closely with the doctor, each person can identify the best strategy to minimize nausea and vomiting.
Loss of Hair:
While not as physically debilitative as nausea and vomiting, hair loss is, nonetheless, one of the more stressful possible side effects to withstand, having an effect on a person’s own overall sense of self. It’s necessary to know that not all cancer treatment options cause hair loss, but if it is encountered, hair usually grows back when treatments are finished. For patients who choose to wear a wig, it’s advantageous to select one before treatment begins, resulting in a more accurate color match. Insurance may also help to cover cost for either a wig or alternate type of head covering.
Whether related to chemo treatment or one of a number of other factors – cancer itself, anemia, or the emotional effects of receiving a cancer diagnosis and treatment – reduced energy level is extremely prevalent, but also treatable. Ensure the person with cancer talks over any challenges with fatigue with his or her medical team and follows their directions, instead of attempting to self-medicate with over-the-counter solutions. Eating a balanced diet, getting an adequate amount of rest, and identifying an outlet for emotional release (for example, counseling, sharing feelings with friends and family, keeping a journal, etc.) can all be worthwhile as well.
At Grace Home Care, providers of the highest quality respite care Topeka has to offer, our home care services include supporting those with cancer, from diagnosis through treatment and beyond. We can offer escorted transportation services to health-related appointments and procedures, pick up medications and wholesome foods, cook meals, take care of housekeeping and laundry, and serve as a compassionate companion to walk alongside and provide assistance in whatever way is needed.
Call us at 785.286.CARE to find out more about our cancer care and other Topeka senior care services.