Similar to the changing of the seasons, the stages of Alzheimer’s disease can be marked by a number of key differentiators, beginning as early as when the first warning signs of the disease are noticed. And even though each senior experiences the condition in his or her own way, there are some commonalities that usually present in each stage. Grace Home Care, providers of expert memory care Topeka families trust, offers the signs below for family caregivers to be mindful of, in an attempt to extend the most appropriate level of care for all stages of Alzheimer’s.
Early (Mild) Stage: Those in the initial stage of Alzheimer’s are still quite able to function on their own in a number of areas, but problems with memory, concentration and focus start to become noticeable. The person may:
- Struggle to come up with the right word for an object
- Fail to remember names of people recently met
- Experience mild trouble with completing tasks
- Misplace objects
Middle (Moderate) Stage: A lot of individuals experience this stage for the longest time period, usually years, and progressively need additional care. Behavioral issues might become evident, including frustration and stubbornness. Also oftentimes experienced:
- Advanced memory loss, such as failing to remember personal information like phone number, occasions from their own past, the proper day and time, etc.
- Moodiness and the inclination to withdraw from social situations
- Wandering
- Compulsive or repetitive behaviors
- Restlessness at nighttime and challenges with maintaining normal sleeping patterns
- Bladder and bowel control complications
Late (Severe) Stage: This concluding stage of Alzheimer’s includes the need for full-time, around-the-clock care to keep the person safe and to maintain personal care needs. Significant concerns are observed in cognitive functioning, the means to participate in conversations, and ultimately, with movement control. Typical in this stage:
- Loss of realization of who and where they are
- Challenges with walking, sitting, swallowing
- Heightened levels of sleep
- Increased vulnerability to infections
It’s crucial for family members to put in place a strong community of support during each stage of the disease, so as to provide the very best care for their loved one with Alzheimer’s, and for their own health and wellbeing as well.
Grace Home Care offers customized memory care in Topeka and surrounding areas, working with family caregivers to provide as much or as little support as needed. In the initial stage of the disease, this might entail a few hours each week of respite care, allowing family members an opportunity to take time for their own needs and to rest and refresh. In more advanced stages, 24-hour care can make sure the individual is secure and well cared for at all times, and that the everyday tasks, such as preparing meals, light housework, laundry, and personal care for the elderly person are all taken care of – allowing families more quality time together.
Professional Alzheimer’s Care in Topeka Your Family Deserves
To learn more about our memory care in Topeka and the surrounding areas , call on Grace Home Care. You can reach us by phone at 785-286-2273, or by answering a few simple questions through our online contact form. With Grace Home Care, you always have a trusted care team to walk beside you through all the stages of Alzheimer’s. It’s good to know you’re not alone!